we want to hear your story too!

Jaguarruns would not be possible without our runners and their commitment to running 35 miles a month, now it’s time for you to share your story and experience with us.

Leticia Espinoza

So I started my running Journey with JaguarRuns about a year ago, when I started of course it took me the whole month to finish those 35 miles, as months went by I started to push myself for 50, then 100, September 2021 I went for 300miles and since then I have join JaguarRuns every month. JaguarRuns has an amazing team and are always helping people in need! I think starting with them it’s a perfect idea if u want to start running. I will continue to support JaguarRuns and same time work on my own goals #mevsme#everymilecounts


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Kata G

Running has brought me back here. It brought me back to my roots. It's the place where I was born, yet I don't know anything about. Little by little we are learning. The same goes in my running journey. A year ago, I began my Jaguar runs. Little did I know I would meet so many people, so many places and destinations. I ran my first marathon thanks to the encouragement of so many of you my fellow Jaguar fam. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you. This momma is here because of all the love


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Ruben orellana

My hiking journey began in 2018 after a knee injury that kept me from playing basketball. I knew I had to do something, but I did not know what until a good friend of mine, George said let's go hiking. Initially, I thought I couldn't stay home and watch novelas all day. (I don't watch novelas). On my first hike, I crawled, waiting for this nightmare to end. George kept asking me to go up. In my mind, I kept thinking this dude was going to kill me. After a month or two, when the soreness finally faded, I realized I had found a new passion. Hiking brought me back to feeling alive again, and for that, I am grateful. I am excited to start this challenge, Let's Go 100.


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Merari Torresday

Hi, my name is Merari and I have been a member with the jaguar’s fam since 2020. I found out about this amazing group on IG from one of my IG friends. Right away when I saw their monthly challenges I messaged them, and they immediately responded like if I knew them and felt so comfortable. The fact that each month would go to some very important causes really motivated me to keep going in my running journey. During that period of time, I was going through a lot of depression and felt at my loneliest. Now throughout these years of being part of the jaguar’s fam I have met so many great people and have enjoyed the running events! I have also joined other challenges and have been able to motivate and encourage other people. Love my jaguar fam! God bless you guys and continue doing what you're doing!! Love that we can all uplift each other :)


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osuky montano

Hola!!! Im Osuky & proud to say I’ve been part of the jaguar family for about 1yr & 1/2. Running has always been a part of me since I can remember. But throughout the years things happen, life happens & you lose motivation or/and your why’s. So it’s always been off and on. But I have so much love for running that i can proudly say i have 3 LA marathons under my belt (2003, 2004 & 2020) When I came across jaguarruns I was running but would easily lose interest and could get much done. My head space was not it, mentally i dont think i was doing good so I would easily give up on my goals. Before joining them I did stalk their IG page for a bit, shortly after I join a challenge And ever since then i felt i have a place where i can turn to for the motivation, encouragement, for a laugh and just a welcoming space. I really love our team runs and getting together. The sence of having likeminded people around you who appreciate and love the outdoors as much as I do, I feel has helped me stay focus and challenge myself to even more……….. stay tune ;-)


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